If you have depression it is often diagnosed by a GP, Clinical Psychologist or a Psychiatrist. In some serve cases medication is prescribed and hospitalisation is needed.

But sometimes you know in yourself that something is not right. It may not be clinical depression but the low mood can be difficult to shake.

Question: What does depression counselling look like?
Answer: The counsellor will look at ways you have recharged yourself. Where has this been? Near the sea, out in the bush, in the garden, by a lake or river or on a mountain.

These places that we are often drawn to in times of need or distress are very important for our mental health and wellbeing. Hearing the roar of the sea or smelling the quiet bush sounds of the trees are all important in relaxing and recharging you. Where is your place to recharge?

This is not all that is covered in Depression counselling. The counsellor will look at Acceptance Commitment Therapy. This can be difficult for some but with a trusting and supportive environment, the acceptance of something difficult can be the first step toward recovery from depression. The counsellor will explain this in further detail during the sessions.

Question: How many sessions will it take
Answer: This is a very individual question. Some people will need various amounts of time. For example, someone we helped nearly 10 years ago had depression for six years. The counsellor guided him through Acceptance Commitment Therapy for his depression and it lifted within six months with the help of his GP he was taken off his anti-depression medication.

Question: What do people say depression is like? How do I know if I have it?
Answer: Many people suffer from depression in different ways. It can be described by many as a low mood, no energy or enthusiasm or motivation, the things that bought enjoyment no longer give you joy and sometimes it is void of feeling altogether. It can be dark, empty, a lonely place with no hope for the future. Some people start using alcohol or drugs to cope.

Question: How do you get depression?
Answer: Some forms of depression are inherited – which means if your family has had depression you may be experiencing it biologically.

Other forms of depression are circumstantial. For example, a relationship break up or the loss of a job. However, in saying this some depression is confused with grief and loss. Your counsellor will help you if you are in grief rather than depression as the counselling process is different and can involve the seven stages of grief to help make sense of the journey you may be going through.

At Suncoast Counselling we support you in a respectful way without any judgment. If you are being medicated then we will support this and work with you to help you discover why the depression may be occurring and ways to lessen or even lift it altogether.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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